The electro-pop duo Holychild, made up of Louie Diller and Liz Nistico, just released a new self-produced single “Wishing You Away”, listen to it here! The song was released along with their new ‘80s-inspired, kooky, and cheerful yet dark music video which you can watch on their website. The video and song are both filled with ironically playful and melancholic vibes. As Noisey’s Tshepo Mokoena states, the song’s “booming synth pads [and] sing-song chorus [could] easily belie the pain behind [Nistico’s] words … that’s what gives this song in particular, and sweet-sour pop more broadly, its potency.” According to Earmilk’s Steph Evans, “With both its danceable, summer pop elements and its thoughtful songwriting, ‘Wishing You Away’ is a welcome return for HOLYCHILD.” The song’s complex, sentimental lyrics and bright, electronic beat make it an incredibly unique tune you don’t want to miss!
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